Dr. Ajit G Desai

+919821016642 / 022 26426639 / 022 26141071
Practising Since : 1984

Dr. Ajit Desai is a seasoned Interventional Cardiologist from Mumbai with a clinical practice at Jaslok Hospital and his private clinic at Santacruz. Dr. Desaiā€˜s association with the medical field since 1984 has been a long-standing one with years of practical experience in the field of Cardiology.

Dr. Desai fulfilled MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Cardiology) and DNB (Cardiology) qualifications through T N Medical College & BYL Nair Ch. Hospital (Mumbai), thereby... [+]

Conduction Disturbances in Acute Myocardial Infarction. Dissertation submitted to
Bombay University for fulfilment of requirement of MD degree in Internal Medicine 1980.
Angiocardiography in Tetralogy of Fallot’s. Dissertation submitted to Bombay University for fulfilment of requirement of DM [Superspeciality] degree in Cardiology.

Book on M-Mode and 2D Echocardiography entitled – Clinical Echocardiography – by R C Hansoti, Desai A G, Ayyer K H, Sharma S. Published by Bhalani Book Depot, 1984.


Echocardiographic diagnosis of unruptured aneurysm of right sinus of Valsalva – an unusual cause of right ventricular ourflow obstruction: Desai A G, Sharma S, Anil Kumar, Hansoti R. C. American Heart Journal.
Absent Right Pulmonary Artery – in an Adult with Atrial Septal Defect: Anil Kumar, Sharma S, Desai A G, Hansoti R C.
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